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Get Plugged In

While going to a church building does not make you a Christian in and of itself, we have to prioritize our involvement in the Church. This is vital for the proper relationship for a pastor and church body to flourish. After all, many pastors are aquainted with the original languages of the Bible and are able to exegete (interpret) them accordingly, which is a blessing to the common layman. To gather, to worship, to take of communion together, and so on, are glorious gifts from God. As such, we need to also treat Biblical commands to gather together with utmost significance. To find a Church near you, click the button on the right. This is not an exhaustive list, but offers a place to start.

Be Proactive

End Abortion Now:

It is one thing to talk about being pro-life or pro-choice away from the front lines, on our phones or computers. It is another thing to consider what actually happens in the process of an abortion operation as a child’s life is taken in barbaric fashion. When you see what an abortion truly is, it should shake you to your core. That is why we must fight it . . . in our states, in our country, and across the globe. The ultimate inconsistency lies in calling the unborn a baby when the mother wants them and a clump of cells when she does not. Let us take a stand against such an injustice.

Offer Help and hope

Samaritan’s Purse:

-Overall International Relief

-Operation Christmas Child

-Many More Opportunities

Learn More

How We got the Bible

Christianity is not a blind faith. Rather, it is an intellectually rigorous, historical, authoritative, and consistent faith. This is one resource that demonstrates how. The Bible was produced through a process of open transmission. Ultimately, this means that the Church didn’t really create the Bible. Instead, the Bible (The Word of God) really created the Church.

Formal Debates

In order to gain a faithful perspective, it is important for us to take seriously the conflict between different worldviews in this age. Clicking the button to the right is an example of a very well orchestrated debate. I would challenge you to watch different debates and to be on the look out for ones I may provide as a resource on this site. We cannot live in a box. As such, it is my hope that through learning about the perspective of others, we may be able to engage more effectively with those around us.

Church History

Since the 1st century, Christianity has made a profound impact on the world. To better understand the Christian faith and our place in its all-encompassing nature, we should look at Church history from the Apostolic Age until now. From the first mention of the Gospel (Protoevangelium) in Genesis 3:15, God’s redeeming power in this world has been at work. This is demonstrated through the witness of the Church throughout history.


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Know Your Bible

In order for us to engage in conversations of faith, we must be well acquainted with our Bible, which stands as our foundation. Otherwise, we are standing on the sinking sand.

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Know your Rights

In order for us to relate to one another as American citizens, we should know what grounds the rights and freedoms we are able to enjoy, including the conversations themselves. The Declaration of Independence includes language that concerns unalienable rights that are endowed by our Creator, serving as the groundwork of the Constitution.

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Know Your Place

We are all guilty and fall short of the glory of God, but forgiveness is found in Jesus Christ (there is no other name by which we must be saved).

Feedback is welcome and appreciated. If you have a prayer request, please don't hesitate to reach out. God's ways are greater than ours.

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Texas, USA