1 Peter 3:15 - Always be ready to give an apologia . . .

Be gentle, be respectful, be bold.

As you Grow, be prepared to justify your beliefs.

Know What You Believe.

Know why you believe it.

the only way to make sense of the world

This claim is exclusive because Christianity is not a subjective experience, but the objective truth. In Luke 11:23, Jesus tells us that we are either with Him or against Him. Whoever does not gather with Him, scatters. It is in this statement that the myth of neutrality is exposed. Nobody is neutral towards their Creator. This is true in logic, in our thoughts, in our words, and in our actions. We are either dead in our sins and trespasses or alive in Christ. I pray that you come to Christ for life!

Recommended Books

Knowing Scripture
By: R.C. Sproul

A beautifully concise, ordered, and thought-provoking text by R.C. Sproul. I would recommend this piece to those who are curious about why we ought to read Scripture, how we ought to read Scripture, and with what manner we ought to persist in reading Scripture. What does it mean to read the Bible literally? This is just one of many questions that will be clarified in this work. I sincerely hope this book blesses you richly as your thirst for practical answers is quenched.

The Big Picture
By: Tom Nelson

A very comprehensive view at what the big picture, the view beyond ourselves, looks like. It can be all too easy to rely on our own subjective experiences. In the midst of the storms that we face, we must trust in the Sovereignty (ultimate authority) of God, knowing that He is working all things together, in accordance with Romans 8:28. There is never only one thing happening at any given moment. At the point when a person is taking their last breath somewhere on the Earth, another person is taking their first breath. This book urges us to look beyond the temporal, and into the eternal.

One Wintry Night
By: Ruth Bell Graham

There is something about reading a picture-book when the hopeful and serene time of Christmas is at our doorstep. There are many books that fulfill this yearning. Many Christmas books immerse children into a story that goes beyond the ordinary, and we can be appreciative of that. This work, however, immerses adults and children alike in a timeless story that draws us to our roots of a childlike faith; comforting us as we remember the true reason why we celebrate Christmas. Beautifully illustrated and coordinated with simplicity, this is a book for the whole family.