Missing the Point

     “Then Pilate said to Him, “Are You not speaking to me? Do you know that I have power to crucify You, and power to release You?” Jesus answered, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above” ” (John 19:10-11).

     People do not exist for the government. On the contrary, the government exists for people (Romans 13:1). Now, there are a couple of critical points to make in relation to this. Was the Apostle Paul going against his own penmanship when He continued to preach the Gospel in a land where Christianity was outlawed? Of course not! This is because Christians are obligated to go against the governing authorities if it is required that they do something that is contrary to God’s Word or if it is required that they not do something that God, through His Word, has revealed that you ought to do. Context is key.



     Therefore, the government is to be respected as an institution from God, but it does not serve as the ultimate standard of just conduct. Just as our bodies have a transcendental obligation to serve God (through thoughts, words, and actions), so too does the government have a transcendental obligation to serve God. When our bodies (that is, the flesh) act contrary to this obligation, our souls must intervene. When the government acts contrary to this obligation, our souls must still intervene (Mark 8:36). 

     So, from this, we can see that the government has a duty before God to uphold right standards of justice. In the 14th century, John Wycliffe, who is associated with the first translation of the Bible into English, stated that, “The Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People” (2). This same sentiment was expressed centuries later by President Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address. 

     In the same way, the market (in America, the free-market economy) exists for people . . . people do not exist for the market. People are not productivity enhancers … people are image bearers of God. The goods and services we have access to today are a true gift from God; gifts that ought not be misconstrued. We can walk into the grocery store (mask wearing aside) and have access to all of the right foods that can sustain our health. This food didn’t come out of thin air, but that is how it seems to us sometimes (like manna from Heaven). People got up, went to work, and made it all possible through the works of their hands. God uses the work done by people for the good of others, as epitomized by a famous quote by Martin Luther: “God is milking the cows through the vocation of the milkmaid” (1). 

target, goal, aiming

     Everywhere you go, there are people that can help you out. If you go out to a restaurant, people are able to serve you food. If you go to the doctor, a licensed professional is able to help you optimize your health. If you order a product online, many people can be involved in the process of getting that product in its proper packaging and getting it shipped out. There must be a mutual respect here among all members of our society; if something gets mixed up, may grace abound. 

     A mutual respect and understanding ought to be upheld in all of these relationships. Everyone has unique gifts, abilities, skills, and so on. We ought to strive to bring these out in one another. Therefore, “whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might,” and whatever you do, do it for the glory of the Almighty God (Ecclesiastes 9:10, and 1 Corinthians 10:31).